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Community Based Correctional Facilities (CBCFs) are prison diversion residential programs that promote community safety by providing cost efficient, effective services and programming to felony offenders. 


CBCFs serve 88 counties across Ohio and provide treatment to more than 7,000 offenders each year. 


Established by the Ohio General Assembly, CBCFs work hand-in-hand with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to reduce crime in the state and to reduce recidivism among those they touch. The prison population in Ohio continues to be on the rise with more than 50,000 offenders. CBCFs and all Community Corrections are committed to working with the Department to reduce the prison population with successful diversion programming.


CBCFs provide the most secure level of programmatic intervention in the community for eligible felony offenders, which includes education, job training, cognitive behavior therapy, family outreach, and substance abuse treatment during the time of their sentence.  Throughout an offender’s incarceration in a CBCF, s/he is taught skills to deal with drug and alcohol addiction and to change criminal behavior.  They also have the opportunity to obtain their GED and find viable employment. And in fact, many leave the facilities employed.  CBCFs are in a unique position to keep communities safe by using successful proven methods which combine punishment and treatment.

Community Based Correction Facilities
Ohio Community Based Correction Facilities

CorJus was established to advocate, support, and promote public community-based corrections facilities in Ohio.

© 2016 Corjus Inc., Wintersville, Ohio

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