Established in 1998, CorJus, Inc. is a professional, nonprofit (501 C-6) association comprised of Ohio’s publicly operated Community Based Correctional Facilities (CBCFs.) CBCFs are prison diversion residential programs that promote community safety by providing cost efficient, effective services and programming to felony offenders. CorJus member facilities serve as a sentencing option for the court in 67 of Ohio’s 88 counties.
CorJus was established to advocate, support, and promote public community-based corrections facilities in Ohio.
CorJus, Inc. is dedicated to;
Promoting excellence in its publicly-run facilities and programs;
Being a reliable and accurate source of information for members, the courts served, local and state agencies, the legislature and the public on the status of community based correctional facilities and programs and community corrections in general;
Promoting maximum local control of community based corrections;
Providing training and career development for the employees of member agencies and non-member corrections professionals;
Maximizing state resources and program outcomes for each community based correctional facility to assist the state in reducing prison overcrowding;
Communicating in a timely manner with community stakeholders about CorJus’ advocacy efforts; and
Working collaboratively with other community corrections organizations.
CorJus acknowledges the ever-growing demands on the criminal justice system and works to create solutions to ensure a healthy justice system which promotes the quality of life and fosters strong communities.